Annual General Meeting and Awards

Annual General Meeting

All residents of Werrington are invited to attend this meeting. Those aged 18 and over and living in the area can attend and vote at the meeting. Anyone from outside the area can attend and speak but not vote. During the meeting Members of the Council are elected to serve a two year term (five are elected annually). The Co-opted members (up to 6) are appointed at Council Meetings throughout the year and not at the Annual General Meeting. Officers and representatives of our Council are appointed at the first post-AGM Full Council meeting and not at the AGM.

The next meeting will take place in June 2025. The papers for the 2024 meeting are here  AGM 2024

The Annual Awards

One of the key features of the Neighbourhood Council AGM is always the various awards that are made to members of the community. These include:

  • The Werrington Award,
  • Community Contribution award(s),
  • Community Appreciation award(s),
  • Environment Award(s).
  • The Good Citizenship for Youth Award: Every year we seek nominations from the community for the Good Citizenship Youth Award to a local individual or group who have in some way made a significant contribution towards helping the community and/or its environment It is made to a person or persons between the age of 12 and 18.

Our 2024 Award winners were:

Community and Environment Awards:

  • Werrington Show
  • Werrington and District Flower Club
  • Steve Lane
  • Sylvia Roberts

Good Citizenship Youth Award Shield and Prize: Dan Tarver

Werrington Award: Sally Weald