A neighbourhood plan (NP) is a framework drawn up by a local community for how its area can develop. NPs can vary widely in what they cover, but essentially they are about how land is used and related economic, social and environmental matters. These can include issues such as housing, employment, heritage including open spaces, and transport. The local plan has to go through several stages of discussion and consultation, not only residents but also businesses, workers, students and visitors. It is then subject to independent examination and a local referendum. If supported by a majority of voters, it becomes part of the Council’s Local Development Plan forming part of the rules which guide the local authority when it has to decide on planning applications.
Werrington’s ‘designated area’ was formed in November 2018 and Werrington Area Forum (Neighbourhood Forum) was formed in January 2019. Details of the designated area and membership of the Forum and Steering Group can be found here. and here Membership is open to anyone living or working in Werrington. Werrington’s designated area is seen here Werrington – Designation Map
Meetings are held regularly and are open to all. .
For details of our previous meetings please click here
To receive updates and invitations to meetings then please make contact to join the mailing list. For information about the Forum, its meetings, its role or becoming a member then please do not hesitate to contact us on
After discussion at three Forum meetings and publicly consulted on at the Carnival the Vision and Objects were agreed as follows:
- The people of Werrington wish to see a thriving, vibrant, caring and safe community where everyone of all ages feel comfortable and valued. We want to preserve the best of what we already have in Werrington – its distinctive character, heritage and natural assets, and bring about improvements with appropriate development. We want Werrington to become an even better place in which to live, work and visit.
The objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan will be as follows:
– The protection of the architectural heritage and distinctive characteristics of the area ensuring that any development contributes positively to Werrington’s character in terms of the existing scale, density, location, design and layout.
– The maintenance and enhancement of the open spaces, natural habitats and green character of the area for the benefit of people, flora and wildlife including the preservation and improvement of access to the countryside.
– The continued improvement of Werrington embracing opportunities to support and improve services, facilities and local businesses whilst ensuring the maintenance of its identity, character and integrity.
Werrington Neighbourhood Plan has been undertaking a Character Assessment. This is a document that describes the distinct appearance and feel of Werrington’s different parts. It communicates the key features and characteristics that combine to give Werrington local distinctiveness and unique identity. We have a range of character areas: conservation area, older housing, newer housing with different features, green spaces, local centres, industry. Any future development needs to respect and complement the existing local character. This document will help describe the character, feel and appearance of our different areas and will pick out key features that will help to understand our local character. It will also form a great social record for local historians in future years – hence the project’s sub title ‘Werrington 2020’
Further information about how the project was undertaken click here