I hereby give notice of an Extraordinary meeting taking place on Monday 29th July at 7pm at The Barn., This will precede the already arranged Forum Meeting that evening.
PLEASE NOTE: that this is in addition to the Neighbourhood Council meeting taking place on Monday 22nd July.
We have to put the following wording into our constitution as a matter of urgency to enable the Neighbourhood Council to access a funding opportunity. The Council meeting on 22nd July will agree it and the extraordinary meting on 29th July will ratify it.
11. DISSOLUTION: The Council shall be dissolved by the passing of a simple majority vote at a Special or Annual General Meeting and any assets distributed to a local charity or constituted community group for the benefit of local residents. Where a quorum has failed to attend the Special or Annual General Meeting then a further similar meeting shall be called within one calendar month and gain if a quorum fails to attend then the Council shall be dissolved.
Further details will be available at the meeting on 22nd July (including discussion of possible proxy voting)
Thank you